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Market Update: Q3 2023 Thumbnail

Market Update: Q3 2023

he markets have been volatile recently because inflation has not declined as expected, and interest rates remain high. Investors had thought central banks would have started discussing interest rate cuts by now, but that has yet to happen.

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Friday 5 - A Liquid Alt is not a Drink! Thumbnail

Friday 5 - A Liquid Alt is not a Drink!

Marc Hamel, a financial advisor with Manulife Securities Incorporated, is joined by Scott Hickerson, Partner and Vice President of Picton Mahoney Asset Management, to discuss liquid alternatives, and specifically market neutral strategies. Presented in conjunction with Picton Mahoney Asset Management.

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Friday 5 - Navigating Market Volatility Thumbnail

Friday 5 - Navigating Market Volatility

Marc Hamel, Ty Smith, and BobbieJoe Babiak, Financial Advisors with Manulife Securities, discuss the current state of the market, the challenges investors have faced this year, and provide some context on where we are and reasons for optimism.

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Friday 5 - Bond Market Blues Thumbnail

Friday 5 - Bond Market Blues

Marc Hamel and Ty Smith, Financial Advisors with Manulife Securities Incorporated, are joined by Paul Sandhu, President & CEO of Marret Asset Management to discuss the challenging fixed income environment to begin the year.

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Friday 5 - Protecting Your Data Thumbnail

Friday 5 - Protecting Your Data

Marc Hamel and Ty Smith, Financial Advisors with Manulife Securities Incorporated, are joined by Darren Mar, of NPC DataGuard to discuss ways to protect your data and ensure passwords are secure.

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Ukraine-Russia conflict—what you should know Thumbnail

Ukraine-Russia conflict—what you should know

Global stocks fell last Thursday morning (February 24, 2022) while bonds and oil rose as Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a military attack on Ukraine, raising tensions in an area that was already on edge. Read more...

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