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Friday 5 - Market Impact from Covid-19 (2/2) Thumbnail

Friday 5 - Market Impact from Covid-19 (2/2)

Marc Hamel and Ty Smith, Financial Advisors at Manulife Securities, are joined by Mike Greenberg, VP & Portfolio Manager at Franklin Templeton Investments, to discuss the market impact of COVID-19 and how they have managed their portfolios through the market downturn.

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Friday 5 - Market Impact from Covid-19 (1/2) Thumbnail

Friday 5 - Market Impact from Covid-19 (1/2)

Marc Hamel and Ty Smith, Financial Advisors at Manulife Securities, are joined by Mike Greenberg, VP & Portfolio Manager at Franklin Templeton Investments, to discuss the market impact of COVID-19 and how they have managed their portfolios through the market downturn.

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Historical U.S. Bull and Bear Markets  Thumbnail

Historical U.S. Bull and Bear Markets

While bull markets don’t last forever, neither do bear markets. Since 1928, the strength and duration of S&P 500® bull markets has meaningfully outweighed that of bear markets.

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Power Of Staying Invested Thumbnail

Power Of Staying Invested

Moving in and out of the stock market—trying to predict the highs and lows— may cause you to miss out on potential long-term growth.

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2020, so far Thumbnail

2020, so far

In times of unusual volatility, you may sometimes feel an impulse, large or small, to push the panic button. But panicking often leads to wrong decisions. Talk to us. We can help you determine how to weather the turbulence — it’s what we do.

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Falling Markets – Insights From a 20-Year Veteran Thumbnail

Falling Markets – Insights From a 20-Year Veteran

I began my journey as an investment advisor in the waning months of 1999, just in time to experience the dot-com bubble bursting in 2000. Then in September 2001 the markets plunged on 911, just to rise into 2002 and then shave off almost 4 years of growth. The correction of the century, the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 saw a steady decline of 50% off global stock markets. There was the bear market of 2011 which quickly stripped 20% off the S&P 500 and then 2015 over a few short months $10 trillion dollars was wiped off of global markets. The most recent correction was in the last quarter of 2018 with almost 20% being taken off the markets leading into Christmas.

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Has the Market Caught the Corona Virus? Thumbnail

Has the Market Caught the Corona Virus?

Has the Market Caught the Corona Virus? With news of the corona virus spreading outside of China, US markets (S&P 500) dropped more than 6% over Monday and Tuesday’s trading sessions, and erased more than $1.7 trillion of its value. This marks the largest 2-day drop since the flash crash of August 2015, and is the catalyst behind this update to our 2019 Investment Fire Drill note.

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Fourth Quarter 2019 Market Commentary Thumbnail

Fourth Quarter 2019 Market Commentary

Despite escalating trade tensions between the United States and China, Brexit uncertainty, and a slowdown in the global economy, the year progressed in an unexpectedly pleasant fashion.

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